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Setting up a Session Start in the Chat Widget

You can configure when to start a session with a bot when using the chat widget.

You can do it when creating or editing a channel.

Setting up a session start

To set up a session start:

  1. Start editing or creating a channel.
  2. Click Widget Config → fill in the fields:
    • Start Session by User Message — turn the switch on.
    • Welcome Message — specify a welcome message to display when a client first logs in to the chat widget before the session starts.

How the session start works

If a session start has not been configured, a new session with a bot is started when the widget is opened automatically or by a user.

If the script developer has configured the session start, it works as follows:

  1. A client opens the chat widget for the first time → the bot sends the welcome message.
If the Start Session by User Message switch is on but the welcome message is not set up, the widget remains empty. In this case, the bot does not reply until the user sends a message.
  1. The client writes a message. Upon receipt of the message, the bot creates a session and replies to the first client’s message.
  2. The client held a dialog and closed the page. If the client returns to the site and opens the chat widget → the message history is saved → the welcome message is not sent.
If the message history is not saved, the welcome message is sent again.